This workshop aims to review scientific advances made possible by the advent of ultra-high field NMR instrument, including the 1.2 GHz NMR spectrometer installed in Lille in 2022 and accessible via the INFRANALYTICS infrastructure. During this event, international researchers and French INFRANALYTICS users will present the new analysis and characterization capabilities offered by the ultra-high field NMR spectrometers in various fields, ranging from chemistry and materials science to structural biology.
Invited speakers: Alia Alia (Leiden Institute of Chemistry, Leiden Univ.), Steven P. Brown (Dep. of Physics, Warwick Univ.), Christophe Copéret (Dep. of Chemistry and Applied Biosc., ETH Zurich), Laurent Delevoye (UCCS, CNRS, Lille), Isabella Felli (CERM, Univ. Florence), Pierre Florian (CEMHTI, CNRS, Orléans), Christel Gervais (LCMCP, Sorbonne Univ.), Laurianne Lecoq (IBCP, CNRS, Lyon), Guido Pintacuda (CRMN, CNRS, Lyon), Andreas Schlundt (BMRZ, Goethe Univ. Francfort), Robert W. Schurko (NHMFL, Florida State Univ.), Davy Sinnaeve (BSI, CNRS, Lille), François-Xavier Theillet (CiTCoM, CNRS, Paris), Patrick Wikus (Bruker)
Institut Chevreul
Cité scientifique, avenue Paul Langevin
Villeneuve d'Ascq
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Registrations close 2025-06-04 00:00