Use of Infranalytics platforms
IR Infranalytics provides state-of-the-art equipment for NMR, EPR and FT-ICR mass spectrometry at very high fields, combined with highly qualified scientific and technical management and expertise.
The publication of the work and experiments carried out on one of the high-field spectrometers as part of access to IR Infranalytics must mention the support granted by this program, by including at least the sentence and the logo below in Thanks :
"Financial support from the IR INFRANALYTICS FR2054 for conducting the research is gratefully acknowledged."
(3500 x 2480 pixels)
The personnel of the network's platforms must be associated (co-authors) with the corresponding publications when they make a significant contribution to the realization of the project and the experiments.
Users also undertake to inform the operational manager of the host platform of the publication of their results obtained on Infranalytics spectrometers, and to send him a copy of the corresponding articles as soon as they are published.
Users are required to respect the confidentiality of the work or data of which they may become aware during their stay.
Equipment access request
In order to be able to use the platforms of the Infranalytics network, new users must create an account.
Authenticated users can submit their scientific project proposals in theIntranet from the website clicking on " Submit a project ".
The project leader is always the website user submitting the proposal. He must have permanent status in his reporting structure.
The project can be saved as a draft before being submitted. Drafts are accessible to managers of the selected platform.
Following the first registration of the project and following its submission, the project manager and the platform managers receive an e-mail notification including a permanent and secure web link, allowing the project to be followed through all its stages.
Project monitoring
the page "Projects" displays the list of all the projects that the user can see or edit according to his level of access. If he has several, he can switch between his different roles using the drop-down list at the top left of the “Intranet” block ”.
By default, the most recent events are displayed first.
The detailed project page can be displayed by clicking on "View" on the left.
1 - The project must first be approved by a local official of the establishment where the proposal was submitted.
2 - The proposal must be endorsed by one of the scientific experts who have been selected to review the proposal.
3 - The project is definitively accepted when it has the status “Granted by the reviewers”.
4 - Accepted projects can:
be shared with other platforms,
be associated with visitors other than the project manager,
be visited,
be the subject of measurement campaigns.
The complete operation of the monitoring/project management interfaces is detailed in the documentation accessible from the intranet.
Rules of procedure of the infrastructure
The purpose of these rules of procedure is to specify the terms of operation and access to the Infranalytics research infrastructure, located in Orléans, the purpose of which is to provide access to NMR, EPR and FT-ICR spectrometers at very high magnetic fields on French territory to the national and international, academic and industrial scientific community, to pool and optimize investments in state-of-the-art NMR, EPR and FT-ICR equipment and to federate scientific communities associated.
Data management policy