Rules of procedure

The purpose of these rules of procedure is to specify the terms of operation and access à infrastructure of research Infraanalytics, located in Orleans, whose object is to open access to des NMR, EPR and FT spectrometers-ICR at very high fields magnetic on French territory at the national and international scientific, academic and industrial community, to pool and optimize investments en amenities NMR, EPR and FT-ICR at the cutting edge of technology and to federate the associated scientific communities.


Rules of procedure of the infrastructure



The publication of the work and experiments carried out on one of the high-field spectrometers as part of access to IR Infranalytics must mention the support granted by this program, by including at least the sentence and the logo below in Thanks :

"Financial support from the IR INFRANALYTICS FR2054 for conducting the research is gratefully acknowledged."

Right click -> Save-as(3500 x 2480 pixels)

The personnel of the network's platforms must be associated (co-authors) with the corresponding publications when they make a significant contribution to the realization of the project and the experiments.

Users also undertake to inform the operational manager of the host platform of the publication of their results obtained on Infranalytics spectrometers, and to send him a copy of the corresponding articles as soon as they are published.

Users are required to respect the confidentiality of the work or data of which they may become aware during their stay.

Equipment access request

In order to be able to use the platforms of the Infranalytics network, new users must create an account.
Authenticated users can submit their scientific project proposals in theIntranet from the website clicking on " Submit a project ".

The project leader is always the website user submitting the proposal.


Here are the instructions