Unit of Catalysis and Solid State Chemistry UMR 8181
Labeled research team: Integrative Structural Biology
Michel Eugene Chevreul Institute FR2638
University of Lille
avenue Paul Langevin
Chevreul building
59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq – France
The Lille Very High Fields NMR platform includes the 1200 MHz and 900 MHz mixed liquid-solid NMR spectrometers, which are managed by the Solid State Chemistry and Catalysis Unit (UCCS, UMR 8181 CNRS/Univ. Lille/ENSC-Lille /EC-Lille/Univ. Artois) and the joint research team Integrative Structural Biology (ISB, EMR 9002 CNRS/INSERM U1167/Univ. Lille). The UCCS and the ISB are part of the FR 2638 federation (Institut Michel Eugène Chevreul IMEC) which brings together the analytical platforms in Chemistry and Biology of the University of Lille.
The Magnetic Resonance and Inorganic Materials (RM2I) team at UCCS develops and applies advanced NMR methods, especially for high magnetic fields and quadrupole nuclei, to characterize the structure at the atomic scale of inorganic materials and hybrids, disordered or amorphous, used in the field of energy (battery, solar, hydrogen, nuclear) and catalysis.
ISB: The Integrative Structural Biology (ISB) group works on the NMR of biomolecules in solution and in solid state, in particular on molecular interactions (protein / protein, protein / ligand, protein / lipid) and post-translational modifications. He is recognized for the development of Pure-shift type pulse sequences applied to the study of poly peptides.
NMR 900
SampleJet autosampler (temperature control: 6°C, 16°C, ambient) BCU-2 for solid/liquid temperature control
Liquid probes / HRMAS
5 mm TCI cryoprobe (1H*/13C*/15N/2H*), z-gradient, Tº: -40° to 80°C [*: cold channels]
BBO 5mm (109Ag-31P/1H/2H), z-gradient, Tº: -150° to 180°C
TXI 5mm (1H/13C/15N/2H), z-gradient, Tº: -150° to 150°C
HRMAS 4mm (1H/13C/15N/2H), z-gradient, Tº: 2° to 50°C
Solid probes
1,3mm DVT HX (1H/14N-31P) [note: 31P does not allow agreement 1H]
2,5mm DVT HX (1H/14N-31P)
3,2mm VTN HCN (1 H/13 C/15 N)
7 mm VTN HX low-gamma (1H/143Nd-15N)
NMR 1200
24-position SampleCase changer
rotation under nitrogen gas
Liquid probes
3mm TCI cryoprobe (1H*/13C*/15N*/2H*), z-gradient, Tº: -40° to 80°C, ATMA [*: cold channels]
BBI 3mm (1H/109Ag-31P), z-gradient, Tº: -40° to 80°C, ATMA
Solid probes
0,7mm DVT HCN (1H/13C/15N)
1,3mm DVT HX (1H/103rh11B)
3,2mm DVT HX (1H/103rh11B)
- Expertise and services
- Solid: high resolution of quadrupole nuclei (MQ-MAS, ST-MAS), hetero-nuclear and homo-nuclear correlations via space or J-coupling for spin ½ isotopes or quadrupole nuclei (including homonuclear correlation between quadrupole nuclei , HMQC or INEPT type correlation between spin-1/2 isotopes and quadrupole nuclei, including between nuclei of close frequencies 13C-27Al …), high-resolution experiments 1H...
- Liquid: NMR of proteins in solutions including unstructured proteins and high molecular weight proteins (> 70 kDa by specific labels), hetero-nuclear and homo-nuclear correlations via space or J coupling for isotopes of spin ½ 1H-15N-13C studies of protein/protein or protein/ligand interactions (STD, Waterlogsy, CPMG), study of protein movements in solution (T1/T2 relaxation, heteronuclear nOe 1H-15N, relaxation dispersion), spectra 1H homo-decoupled (pureshift)
- Other equipment
The 900 and 1200 MHz spectrometers fit into the platform combining the pole's lowest field devices RMN of the Faculty of Sciences and Technologies of the University of Lille, those of NMR technical platform of the UFR of Health and Sport Sciences of the University of Lille and those located at the Pasteur Institute. This equipment is shared through the Lille NMR Scientific Group linking the NMR teams of ISB, UCCS, LARMN, the NMR center of the Faculty of Science and Technology and LASIRE.
Solid State NMR (Faculty of Science and Technology):
- 800 MHz SB Avance NEO 3 channels:
- liquid probes:
BBI 3mm (1H/BB/2H), z-gradient, Tº: -150° to 180°C
TXI 5mm (1H/13C/15N/2H), z-gradient, Tº: -50° to 80°C
HRMAS 4mm (1H/13C/15N/2H), z-gradient, Tº: 2° to 50°C
HRMAS 4mm (1H/13C/31P/2H), z-gradient, Tº: 2° to 50°C
- solid probes:
- 1,3mm DVT HX (1H/14N-31P)
- 3 & 4mm static PhoenixNMR HX (1H/197Ag-71Ga), variable Q, T°: -100° to +150°C
- 1.6mm PhoenixNMR HXYD (H=1H-19F, X=31P - 29Si, Y=27Al - 109Ag, lock channel), T° regulation (-60° to +120°C), MAS < 40kHz
- 2,5mm DVT tri-Gamma® HXY (1H/X=31P-13C/Y=15N-29Si with combination restrictions)
- 3,2mm DVT HX (1H/15NOT-31P)
- 3,2mm DVT HX (1H/187W–65Cu)
- 3,2mm VTN PB (31P / 71Ga,11B,115Sn,87Rb), VESPEL stator (without 11B)
- 3,2mm PhoenixNMR HXY (H=1H-19F, X=31P - 29Si, Y=27Al - 109Ag), T° regulation (-30° to +120°C), MAS < 25kHz
- 3,2 mm DVT tri-Gamma ® HXY (special 1H/13C/14N)
- 3,2 mm DVT tri-Gamma ® HXY (special 1H/11B/29Si)
- 3,2mm DVT tri-Gamma® HXY (1H/X=31P-13C/Y=15N-29Si with combination restrictions: 29Si only with 31P for example)
- 3,2mm DVT HPX (1H/31P/X=93Nb, 51V-27Al)
- 4 mm HX rotor type Revolution NMR (1H/187W–65Cu; non-continuous agreement: ask for the list of inserts)
The spectrometer has a REDORBOX which, associated with the 3,2 mm or 1,3 mm HX probe, allows correlations between nuclei at frequencies close to around 200 MHz as 13C, 27Al.
- liquid probes:
Two 400 MHz WB (Avance 3 and Avance NEO) 3 channels:
shared probes on the two spectrometers:
HXY (1.3mm, 2.5mm, 3.2mm and 4mm);
HX 4mm (CP standard, low gamma, WVT and MQMAS);
HX 7mm low gamma;
- HX 5mm static.
REDOR Box for a nominal frequency of 100 MHz (13C-23Na).
- MAS 2 and 3.
Liquid NMR (Faculty of Science and Technology):
400 MHz SB Avance NEO, 3 channels:
5mm BBO probe (BB/1H/2H), z-gradient, Tº: -150° to 150°C;
5mm BBI probe (1H/BB/2H), z-gradient, Tº: -150° to 150°C;
5mm TBI probe (1H/13C/BB/2H), z-gradient, Tº: -150° to 150°C;
10mm BBO probe (BB/1H/2H), Temp: -150° to 150°C.
300 MHz SB Advance III HD:
5mm BBFO probe (BB/1H-19F/2H), z-gradient;
- 60-position SampleXpress changer.
Pasteur Institute of Lille:
600MHz SB Advance III HD:
5mm QCI cryoprobe (1H*-19F*/13C*/15N/2H*), z-gradient, Tº: 0° to 80°C [*:cold channels];
- 24-position SampleCase autosampler.
300MHz SB Advance III:
5mm BBO probe (1H-19F/2H/109Ag-31P), z-gradient, Tº: -80° to 120°C;
- SampleXpress Lite 16-position autosampler.
Department of Health and Sports Sciences :
500 MHz SB Advance NEO:
5mm TXI probe (1H/13C/15N/2H), z-gradient;
5mm QNP probe (1H-19F/13C/31P/2H), z-gradient;
5mm BBO probe (BB/1H/2H), z-gradient;
4mm HRMAS probe (1H/13C/2H), z-gradient;
measurement under fiber optic illumination [Hg lamp with filters, Nd:YAG laser = 532, 355 and 266 nm].
- 24 position autosampler
300 MHz SB Advance NEO:
- 5mm BBFO probe (BB/1H-19F/2H), z-gradient
5mm BBI probe (1H/BB/2H), z-gradient;
5mm QNP probe (1H-19F/13C/31P), z-gradient;
- SampleXpress Lite 16-position autosampler.
300 MHz SB Advance I:
5mm BBFO probe (BB/1H-19F/2H), z-gradient;
SampleXpress Lite 16-position autosampler.
- 800 MHz SB Avance NEO 3 channels: