UMR 5082 CNRS / Claude University
Bernard Lyon 1 / ENS Lyon
5 Rue de la Doua,
69100 Villeurbanne
The Very High Fields NMR Center (CRMN) is a joint research unit of the CNRS, the Claude Bernard University of Lyon 1 and the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Lyon. CRMN teams work on the most fundamental aspects of NMR, at the interface of biology, chemistry and physics, in order to i) develop methodological and instrumental breakthroughs, ii) radically extend the field of application of this spectroscopy, and iii) enable exploration of the structure and dynamics of new ranges of compounds at the atomic scale in key scientific areas with significant societal impact.
The center was designed around the installation of the world's first 1 GHz spectrometer, delivered in the summer of 2009 and progressively fitted with a variety of state-of-the-art accessories (including probes for ultra magic angle rotation -rapids and cryoprobes for the solution). Around this instrument, a platform was built of six other frequency spectrometers 400, 500, 600, 700 and 800 (x2) MHz, offering exceptional research capabilities. Today, the center also hosts a unique hyperpolarized NMR platform with two DNP MAS systems at 400 MHz and 800 MHz, as well as two polarizers for dissolution DNP.
900 MHs SB Liquid/Solid Bruker Avance III
1000MHz SB
- Cryoprobe TXI 1H/13C/15N 3mm (1 grad.)
- Cryoprobe TXI 1H/13C/15N 5mm (1 grad.)
- BBO 5mm 1H/X
Solid state NMR probes:
- 0.7 mm 1H/13C/15N triple resonance CP-MAS
- 1.3 mm 1H/13C/15N/2D quadruple resonance CP-MAS
- 1.3 mm H/X dual resonance CP-MAS
- 2.5 mm H/X (13C -> 31P) double resonance CP-MAS
- 3.2mm 1H/13C/15N triple resonance CP-MAS
800MHz WB
Solid state NMR probes:
- 1.3 mm triple resonance 1H/13C/15N (+ double resonance mode) CP-MAS
- 3.2 mm triple resonance 1H/13C/15N E-free
- 0.7 mm triple resonance 1H/13C/15N (+ double resonance mode) DNP CP-MAS (<100K)
- 1.3 mm triple resonance 1H/13C/15N (+ double resonance mode) DNP CP-MAS (<100K)
- 3.2 mm triple resonance 1H/13C/15N (+ double resonance mode) DNP CP-MAS (<100K)
- Expertise and services
- Biological NMR in solution (structure, dynamics, interactions of proteins or nucleic acids)
- Biological solid-state NMR with ultra-fast sample rotation at the magic angle (membrane proteins, amyloid fibrils, biological assemblies, ...)
- MAS DNP for the study of surfaces (heterogeneous catalysts, adsorbed compounds, ...)
- NMR of materials in the solid state with rotation of the sample at the magic angle (catalysts, polymers, ...)
- Paramagnetic NMR
- Other equipment
800 MHz Bruker ADVANCE NEO
• 5 solid NMR probes: 0.7mmHCN, 1.3mmHCN, 1.3mmHCND, 2.5mmBBHX, 3.2mmHCN
• 1 liquid NMR probe: TXI 5mm
• SampleJet autosampler (5 racks of 96 samples and 30 spinners)
• 1 HR-MAS NMR probe
700 MHz Bruker ADVANCE III
• 4 solid state NMR probes: 1.3mm HCN, 2.5mm BBHX, 3.2mm HCN, 4mm BBHX
• 2 liquid NMR probes: TXI 5mm, BBO 5mm
• 1 HR-MAS NMR probe
• HR-MAS SamplePro autosampler (50 samples)
600 MHz Bruker ADVANCE III
• 2 cryoprobes 5mm: HCND, H/FPCN
• SampleJet autosampler (5 racks of 96 samples and 30 spinners)
500 MHz Bruker ADVANCE NEO
• 9 solid-state NMR probes: 0.7mm HXY, 1.3mm HX, 2.5mm BBHX, 2.5mm CRAMPS, 3.2mm HCN, 4mm HXY, 4mm BB HX, 7mm BB HX, Static HX
• Cryocabinet LT-MAS
• Gyrotron 263 GHz
• Cryocabinet LT-MAS
• 2 DNP NMR probes: 1.3mm LTMAS HXY, 3.2mm LTMAS HXY
300 MHz / 7.05 Tesla / 198 GHz d-DNP polarizer prototype Bruker ADVANCE III HD
• Cabinet of DNP by dissolution (d-DNP)
• Cryostat 1.2K
• 2 NMR probes 1H/13C, 1H/15N