Platform name
BIP, CNRS/Aix-Marseille University

Laboratory of Bioenergetics and Protein Engineering (BIP, UMR 7281)

Mediterranean Institute of Microbiology (IMM, FR 3479)

31 Joseph Aiguier Road

13009 Marseille


Scientific Officer
Teacher. Bruno Guigliarelli (This e-mail address is protected against spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Operational manager
Dr. Guillaume Gerbaud (This e-mail address is protected against spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Dr. Emilien Etienne (This e-mail address is protected against spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Communication correspondent
Dr Elisabetta Mileo (This e-mail address is protected against spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) is a central technique for the characterization of paramagnetic species. In the field of life sciences, it is particularly well suited to the molecular analysis of biological systems, their functions and their interactions. These paramagnetic species can be naturally present in biomolecules in the form of metal centers or free radicals. In this case, the EPR makes it possible to determine their nature and their magnetic properties, during a catalytic cycle for example. Paramagnetic probes, most often nitroxides, can also be inserted into biomolecules to study their dynamics and their interactions.

Although mainly dedicated to life science applications and developments at the chemistry-biology interface, the BIP platform is multidisciplinary. It benefits from the scientific support of 9 researchers and 2 engineers.


Bruker ELEXSYS E580 Spectrometer

RPE: Frequency/Band
magnetic field: 0 to 6T - X band (9 GHz), Q band (35 GHz) and W band (95 GHz).
Multifrequency spectrometer, pulsed and continuous modes.
AWG (Arbitrary Wave Generator) for shaping microwave pulses. Standard cavities: 4mm band X, 1.6mm band Q, 1mm band W. Pulsed ENDOR cavities band X and Q.
1.5 – 300 K with liquid helium / 5.5 – 240 K with cryofree system (recycled helium).
Band X, Q and W: pulse mode / Band W: continuous mode.
Double resonance
Pulsed ENDOR and ELDOR (DEER) in X and Q bands / ELDOR (DEER) in W band.

Bruker ELEXSYS E500 I Spectrometer

RPE: Frequency/Band
magnetic field: 0 to 2.3T - S band (4 GHz), X band (9 GHz) and Q band (35 GHz).
Multifrequency spectrometer in continuous mode.
X cavities: standard, dual mode, SHQ, ENDOR / Q cavities / S cavity / in situ electrochemistry and photochemistry.
1.5 – 300 K with liquid helium.
Double resonance
Continuous X-band ENDOR.

Bruker ELEXSYS E500 II Spectrometer

RPE: Frequency/Band
magnetic field: 0 to 1T - X band (9 GHz)
X-band spectrometer in continuous mode.
standard cavities, dual mode, SHQ / electrochemistry and in situ photochemistry.
80 - 320 K with liquid nitrogen.
Expertise and services
  • oxidoreductases / metalloenzymes: metal content, analysis of metal cofactors, functioning of complex redox enzymes.
  • Spin labeling coupled with EPR: dynamics of biomolecules (proteins, DNA, ...), interactions between macromolecules.
Other equipment
  • Bruker Magnettech MS 5000 benchtop spectrometer (X-band, room temperature),

  • Glove box for sample preparation in anaerobiosis,
  • Storage of samples in liquid nitrogen (77K) or in a freezer at -80°C.