The Strasbourg EPR site uses several pulsed EPR sequences to study spin dynamics in the family of [Y(pc)2]• complexes. Non-deuterated compounds, the condensed magnetic phase and room temperature are the favorable conditions to highlight Rabi-type oscillations in these radical systems.

The development of quantum computing architectures based on new classes of molecules offers promising prospects for multifunctional electronic devices. Molecular spin qubits from the family of bis(phthalocyaninato)lanthanide(III) (LnPc2) complexes are promising study models that have already been used for spintronics devices or to demonstrate Grover's algorithm (for LnIII = TbIII). The following study concerns the development of multi-qubit systems based on radical mixed ligands, and with LnIII =YIII.

Spin dynamics is studied by impulse EPR through several sequences: (i) to access relaxation times T1 (echo/saturation recovery) and Tm (echo decay) (ii) to identify hyperfine couplings (HYSCORE) and (iii) to determine if we can control the quantum state (nutations). These results allow a comparison with the properties of TbPc2 and open new avenues for multi-qubit engineering. These results were published in Chemical Communication.

2021 12 pulse RPE to study multi-qubit systems for use in multifunctional electronic devices efc80