
The French scientific community has seen the development of several research centers of excellence over the past 15 years around high-end analytical instruments which have attracted internationally renowned researchers. These instruments offer the possibility of establishing with increasingly greater precision and reliability the relationships between structure and activity/function/properties in molecular chemistry, materials science or life science, opening up vast fields of applications in the fields of health, the environment, energy, innovative materials, heritage, etc. For several years, the CNRS Institute of Chemistry (INC) has organized these different sites into three national research infrastructures bringing together the most advanced spectrometers with the highest magnetic fields.

Infranalytics is a delocalized Research Infrastructure, created on January 1, 2022 in the form of a FR-2054 research federation of the CNRS. It is one of the IRs of the 2021-2026 roadmap for MESRI research infrastructures. This management tool from the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation identifies and labels the most strategic infrastructures for French scientific communities.

It brings together the three previous IR RMN-THC, RENARD and FT-ICR (respectively FR3050, FR3442 and FR3624), and thus integrates into a coherent network the most efficient very high magnetic field (/very high frequency) analytical equipment to meet to the scientific and technological challenges of tomorrow, ensuring optimization of their use by a large scientific, academic and industrial community, and optimization of the means available.

the Research Infrastructure now has 23 analytical equipment – ​​9 RMN, 8 RPE, 6 FT-ICR – spread over 13 sites affiliated with 18 research units. Infranalytics is equipped with exceptional equipment, which is generally extremely expensive and requires cutting-edge scientific and technical expertise for its operation. Their management by the CNRS, in close collaboration with the many academic partners supervising the laboratories, provides this distributed research infrastructure with national consistency and visibility. The joint operation of these instruments, serving more than 2000 days of access annually on the basis of 30% of the operating time of the devices, is based on the individual accountability of the research teams on the sites, which make available to the community their skills and justify their hosting activity.

Key assignments

  • Make available to the national community (access validated by a committee of independent experts) the most effective and appropriate tools as soon as possible by optimizing their use
  • Promote hospitality to non-expert
  • Raising the analytical techniques of the federation to the highest international level to contribute to a pursuit of excellence and major societal challenges
  • Consolidate the scientific community ensuring the methodological, instrumental and computer development in the field and ensure a training young researchers and engineers at the highest level
  • Promote the creation of networks national, European and international
  • Provide solutions to the problems of industrial and contribute to business R&D
  • Set up a data policy in line with the requirements of the national IR roadmap of the MESRI and promote a policy of open science
  • Lead a collective reflection on network evolution according to the progress of technologies and user needs and propose the planning of the acquisition of new equipment

Key figures

23 very high magnetic field / very high frequency spectrometers - 9 NMR spectrometers, 8 EPR spectrometers and 6 FT-ICR mass spectrometers

13 sites, 19 supervisory bodies

19 research teams, 36 ETPTs

2021 indicators: more than 2000 days of access, more than 200 projects, 137 publications

Map of platforms

platforms card 07053


Since the Infranalytics research infrastructure is a distributed IR, involving many research organizations and supervisory establishments, it is intended to be a light federative structure, which coordinates reception and training activities centered around the use of points with very high magnetic fields in very varied fields of application. It will lead a collective reflection on the evolution of the network according to the advancement of technologies and the needs of users. It also sets itself the task of implementing a data policy that complies with the requirements of the national roadmap for MESRI research infrastructures. Finally, its vocation is to implement a concerted policy of relations with industrialists. The operation of the FR is based on individual accountability of the sites which provide the community of users with their skills around exceptional instruments and individually justify their hosting activity.

The governing bodies of the federation to implement these missions are:

  • The steering committee, made up of representatives of the federation's supervisory bodies
  • The director
  • The management committee, made up of the director, the administrative director and the three deputy directors (1 deputy director per division) 

The 3 governance bodies rely on five consultative bodies:

  • The Scientific Council, made up of internationally recognized scientific personalities
  • The Division Committees, made up of the directors and division director and the scientific and operational managers of the sites associated with each technique
  • The committee of experts, made up of scientists from outside the infrastructure, in charge of evaluating requests for projects on IR equipment
  • The Users Committee,
  • The Industry Committee.

Composition of the Scientific Council:

  • Florence Babonneau, Materials NMR, LCMCP, Sorbonne University
  • Kathrin Breuker; FT-ICR, proteins; Univ. Innsbruck
  • Steven Brown; solid-state NMR; Warwick University
  • Carlos Cordeiro; FT-ICR, metabolomics; Lisbon University
  • Carole Duboc; bioorganic RPE; DCM, Grenoble
  • Isabella Felli; protein NMR; CERM Florence University
  • Bernard Gallez; biomedical NMR/RPE/DNP; UC Leuven, Belgium
  • Gunnar Jeschke; RPE, methodology; ETH Zurich
  • Dominique Massiot; NMR of materials; CEMHTI, Orleans
  • Peter O’Connor; FT-ICR, methodology; Warwick University
  • Miquel Pons; NMR bio/proteins; Barcelona University
  • Jeremy Ponthus; FT-ICR, petrochemicals; IFP Energies Nouvelles, Solaize
  • Caroline Tokarsky; FT-ICR, bio/chemistry; CBMN, Bordeaux
  • Sabine Van Doorslaer; biophysical RPE; University of Antwerp, Belgium
  • Stéphane Viel; NMR /DNP chemistry; ICR, FSCM Marseille

Infranalytics Organization Chart 170823



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University of Strasbourg grayscale 72dpi 200x76 University of Lorraine RGB 72dpi 200x88