3 Avril 2024, 14h00 - 16h00
The GERM is pleased to invite you to the webinar (zoominar) that it is organizing in partnership with the CNRS Chimie, on Wednesday April 3 at 14 p.m. on the theme of helium, a high-stakes resource for our equipment. In the program:
- feedback on the survey carried out by the CNRS in 2023 and presentation of the CNRS national strategy (by Jean-Pierre Simorre, DAS infrastructure CNRS Chimie and Stéphanie Lê Vàn, Head of the research financial support service, DSFIM);
- general presentation of technical solutions (advantages/disadvantages) by a group of expert engineers who will aim to provide initial solutions for platform managers;
- forum/discussion.
Registration details : This webinar is open to all upon registration at (to receive the zoom link).
Steering Committee : GERM / CNRS Chemistry